"You can't catch someone who is always a step ahead." - N.K.
Available 28th August, 2024
A gripping dystopian story which transports you into a future world emerging from the brink of extinction. A YA thriller which will challenge your perceptions of power, resilience, and the responsibility that comes with knowledge.

An extract from The Outlaws
Johnny's heart raced as he sprinted through the abandoned streets, Scarlett matching him step for step. The outlaw's shouts echoed off the crumbling buildings as they pursued them, the gap between predator and prey narrowing with each passing second.
"This way!" Johnny spotted an old sign: 'Tennis Club.' He had no idea what that meant, but maybe, just maybe, it would provide a place to hide.
They careened around the corner, only to skid to a halt. A high fence enclosed an open area, offering no escape. Johnny's mind spun, desperate for a plan. The heavy thud of boots drew closer.
"I'll distract them," Scarlett whispered, her eyes blazing with determination. "You climb. Get over and find Cal!"
"I'm not leaving you!"
"Just do it! We don't have time to argue!"
She was right. It was their only chance. Pulse pounding, Johnny backed up to get a running start at the fence. Just as the outlaws rounded the corner, Scarlett flew at them in a fury of precise kicks and punches.
Johnny sprinted and leaped, scrambling up the rusted chain link. The shouts and grunts of combat below pushed him harder, faster. He had to get help. He couldn't let her sacrifice be for nothing. He had to save her like she'd saved him so many times before.
With a final heave, he fell over the top, rolling to absorb the impact. Breath ragged, he took one last look back at the chaos, then ran into the night. He'd come back for Scarlett. No matter what.